
pregnancy week by week

Friday, September 20, 2002

Surah ash-Shams (The Sun)
Chapter 69: Verse 30-34


Successful are those who purify it (ie. their soul), and the losers will be those who corrupt it.


The method laid down by Islam for spiritual development is through:

1. Acts of worship

a) reading the Quran,
b) remembrance of Allah,
c) night vigilance (qiyam al-layl), and
d) spending resources, time, wealth, etc. in the way of Allah,
with an emphasis on their inner dimensions.

In other words, how the soul, heart and mind should be engaged in acts of worship and in developing a feeling of God-consciousness.

2. Personal efforts for inner change and improvement through

a) self-discipline,
b) a regular check on intentions and motives,
c) regular self analysis,
d) creating a sense of time and time management, and
e) attempting to obtain constant feedback from others.

The aim of these exercises is to eradicate inner evils such as

1. arrogance and a superiority complex,
2. selfishness,
3. hate,
4. greed and love of material things,
5. anger for wrong purposes,
6. pretence and show,
7. stubbornness,
8. low-spiritedness and lack of perseverance,
9. fear, and
10. the pursuit of vain desires.

At the same time, a person must endeavour to cultivate inner virtues such as

1. faith,
2. sincerity,
3. piety,
4. hubleness,
5. gratitude,
6. a sense of purpose and mission in life,
7. remembrance and love of God, His Prophets and believers,
8. concern for the Hereafter,
9. softness of heart,
10. control of the ego, and
11. a burning desire to realise the vision of Islam.

[compiled from "Building a New Society" by Zahid Pervez, pp. 218-219]

Thursday, September 19, 2002

1. Enam perkara yang asing bila berada di enam tempat:

Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw, yang bermaksud: "Enam perkara yang dipandang asing di enam tempat", iaitu :

Masjid adalah asing di kalangan orang-orang yang tidak sembahyang di dalamnya.

Al-Quran adalah asing di rumah orang-orang yang tidak mahu membacanya.

Al-Quran juga adalah asing di dalam hati orang-orang yang fasik (iaitu orang-orang yang tidak mahu mengamalkan isinya).

Seorang muslimah yang soleh dipandang asing di sisi lelaki yang zalim, yang buruk perangainya.

Lelaki muslim yang soleh adalah asing di samping perempuan yang hina, yang buruk akhlaknya.

Dan orang alim adalah asing dikalangan kaum yang tidak mahu mendengar nasihatnya.

Kemudian Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: " Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak akan memandang mereka di hari kiamat dengan pandangan kasihan."

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Monday, September 16, 2002

Sep 15, 2002
Source: Al-Jazeera, Translated by Jihad Unspun

We remind our viewers that the statements,
opinions and points of view expressed in the
following material are those of the author and
shall not be deemed to mean that they are
necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher,
editor, writers, contributors or staff.

"Oh you who believe, bear patiently, and
encourage patience [endure], and do ribaat
(guarding borders), and fear Allah, so that you
may be successful"

Oh Muslim Brothers In The Lands Of The Muslims,
And In Everywhere On Earth.

Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

The Islamic nation, for nearly a year, has been
subject to the most severe consolidated attack
from our enemies, who want us to abandon and
sacrifice our religion and to abandon ruling by
the heavenly Shariah, which Allah has honored us
with. The enemies of this Ummah have realized
that abiding by our religion is the reason that
the Muslims gain glory and honor and it is what
protects us from decline and abiding by Islam is
what raises our status amongst the nations.

The war that America has led against our lands is
only a part of the war against Islam. Verily
America, when it declared war against
Afghanistan, wanted primarily to remove the
Islamic system and the ruling of the Islamic
Shariah and the prevention of the revival of the
Islamic religion that it is afraid of. And
considering America has made the September 11th
attacks a pretext to attack the Islamic Emirate
of Afghanistan and declare war against Muslims,
we know that this is not the sole reason for we
know that America wanted to attack us and
destabilize and remove the Islamic Emirate long
before that. They tried gathering justifications
for these attacks and if they did not find
September 11th to use as an excuse then America
would have found other than one! And had America
not had this clear intention and firm cause, then
it would have not declared a war upon us that
even they themselves are not sure who was behind,
until now.

The priority for America after September 11th was
to take account of itself, to revise its
policies, to realize its mistakes, to change the
way it treats the Muslims and other weak nations
of the world and for America to ask what made it
prone to these bombings on September 11th? And
what caused that small group of people to
sacrifice their entire lives to attack America
and harm us? Why did they gain the enmity of the
Islamic world? Why did the weak ones of this
world become pleased at these events? Why were
they against us? If America asks itself these
questions, then it would have blamed its policies
and actions, and it would have cared and reformed
its condition. But America doesn't want that, it
wants supremacy, power and control of the world
and America cannot ask itself these questions
because it is dependent upon the Jews and
Zionists who control and rule it.

And we, and the entire world knows, that what
happened to America on September 11th is a
harvest of what was planted around the world
through oppression, the raping of wealth,
flaunting arrogance over the weak, and robbing
them of their necessities and rights, under what
it calls the "world order" and "globalization"
and other terms.

And our Islamic Ummah has suffered the full
portion of American oppression, in Palestine,
Iraq, Sudan, Kashmir, Afghanistan and in all the
lands of the Muslims. The oppression and force
which the Muslims suffer from in Palestine at the
hands of the Israeli Jews every day, and the
killing, injuring, expulsion and embargos - all
of this, is done with complete support of
America, under its care and direction.

For it is America that feeds Israel and
strengthens it with wealth and weaponry, and
strengthens it politically so that it may punish
the Muslim nation in Palestine and occupy it and
enslave its people.

America is a large country, but it is small in
mind and proud, and it is strong with its planes
and bombs and machines, but weak in its
existence. It claims to be the Mother of freedom
and justice, yet it commits the most extreme
forms of injustice and enslavement upon the
nations. It claims that to be fighting terrorism
and yet it is the one who practices the most
extreme terrorism upon the weak nations of
Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and upon many of
the world’s nations. Thankfully, the world today
has become upon more awareness of America.

Where was what America proclaims – humanity,
brotherhood, respect of ones rights - at the
massacre of Maza Sharif that killed with its
bombs thousands of prisoners, and those who were
given amnesty in the fortress of Jahaathaji?
Where is the humanity they claim when they refuse
to treat imprisoned enemies appropriately as war

People know today that America is the capital of
international terrorism, and it is the shepherd
of oppression, enslavement and injustice, and it
is the shepherd of moral and social corruption in
the world. It is the reason for the poverty and
suffering of the nations, and what America gets
today, of hatred and dislike, and condemnation,
is proof of all this.

And America today in Afghanistan fantasizes with
pride the apparent power here and thinks that her
fate will be different than those invaders who
came before it and that it is capable of
fulfilling what Russia couldn't fulfill. It
assumes they can establish themselves easily in
Afghanistan and that they will be able to control
half of the eastern world from here, but
unfortunately for them, they did not read the
history of Afghanistan well, because it does not
care about history and the conditions of the weak
and poor nations.

If they read the history of Afghanistan, then
they would have known that Afghanistan crushes
the foreigner and invader from the day we knew
Islam and entered it with faith and certainty,
and that we cannot be at rest, nor submit to
other than Islam, and never to those who rule by
other than the Shariah of Islam.

And we have said to our Ummah, and we still say,
that we are holding firmly unto the promise of
Allah, and we are sure of it, and we are not
afraid of the promises of Bush and America,
verily Allah promised us victory and
establishment if we hold firmly unto our religion
and rely upon Him. So we are remaining upon the
path of Jihad against America and all the
invaders, relying upon Allah, patient to His
orders and certain of them. We assure the Muslims
everywhere, that we remain upon the covenant of
Allah and that victory is coming, and that
comfort will come, and after relying upon Allah,
then we of course are in need of the support of
the Muslims to stand with us in any and every

And if Allah wills, the rule of the Shariah will
return to Afghanistan and Muslims will be happy
with the victory of Allah, and America will not
be pleased in Afghanistan, and will never be
comfortable until it leaves ashamed and
regretful, and its day will never be with it,

"And on that day, the believers will rejoice with
the victory of Allah"


The Servant of Islam and the Muslims,
Mullah Muhammed 'Umar Mujaahid.

Wednesday, 5th of Rajab 1423 AH - 11/9/02

Sunday, September 15, 2002

DisakitkanNya kita sekejap tapi cepat-cepat disembuhkan semula kerana cintaNya,disusahkan sedikit agar insaf,namun segera disenangkan semula.Itulah belaianNya.Dimarahkan juga kadang-kadang kerana sayang,namun tidak lama kerana kasihNya.Dipanggil-panggil kepadaNya,untuk meminta itu dan ini,Tuhan amat melayani hambaNya,tapi si hamba tidak peduli langsung!

07 OKTOBER 2000/ 09 REJAB 1421 H


Organisasi dalam jama’ah juga disebut sebagai Tanzim Haraki . Tanzim Haraki bererti kewujudan sekumpu1an manusia yang tersusun, mempunyai penyelarasan, keserasian dan hubungan yang rapat di antara mereka, mempunyai matlamat-matlamat tertentu dan qiadah yang melaksanakan urusan pentadbiran dan mengambil berat kepentingan mereka serta merancang untuk mencapai matlamat-matlamat yang dipersetujui bersama o1eh mereka . Kesemua mereka diikat oleh satu undang-undang atau peraturan khas yang menentukan hak-hak dan kewajipan-kewajipan ahli/ jundiyyah serta qiadah . Undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan ini mesti dipatuhi oleh semua individu sama ada jundi ataupun qiadah .[1]

Tanzim Haraki dibenarkan oleh syarak kerana ia merupakan wasilah pertama dan penting yang menyebabkan tertegaknya kewajipan me1aksanakan undang-undang. Oleh itu kewujudan Tanzim Haraki hukumnya wajib di sisi syarak . Ini kerana tanpanya kewajipan tersebut tidak dapat disempurnakan . Di antara kaedah-kaedah usul fiqh yang dimaklumi ialah

“Perkara wajib yang tidak sempurna tanpa sesuatu yang lain, maka sesuatu yang lain itu juga menjadi wajib .”[2]

Islam secara tabiatnya adalah agama jama’i . Ia tidak dapat direalisasikan di dalam kehidupan manusia melainkan melalui satu jama’ah yang tersusun daripada sudut anggotanya, qiadah, matlamat dan wasilah yang mana hubungan antara anggota dengan qiadah ialah keta’atan, teguran, nasihat, saling bantu-membantu dan tolong menolong. Sayidina Umar al Khattab telah berkata bahawa :

“Tiada Islam tanpa jama’ah, tiada jama’ah tanpa kepimpinan dan tiada kepimpinan tanpa keta’atan”[3]

Firman A1lah SWT dalam surah At-Taubah : 73 yang mafhumnya :-

“Dan orang-orang yang kafir, sesetengahnya menjadi penyokong kepada sesetengah yang lain . Jika kamu ( wahai ummat Islam ) tidak menjalankan apa yang telah diperintahkan, nescaya akan berlakulah fitnah ( kekacauan ) di muka bumi dan kerosakan yang besar”[4]


Rasulullah SAW telah memilih anasir-anasir tanzim dan mereka yang layak menjadi ketua di dalam tanzim ini dengan pemilihan yang tepat dan bijaksana . Baginda memilih mereka berdasarkan beberapa sifat yang me1ayakkan mereka untuk dipilih . Baginda telah memilih para ketua, pemimpin, panglima perang, gabenor, hakim, pendakwah, pemungut cukai dan sebagainya .

Menjadi tuntutan setiap diri mereka yang menggabungkan diri ke dalam tanzim agar membebaskan diri sepenuhnya daripada sebarang wala’ ( kesetiaan ) kepada jahiliah serta penganutnya . Dia hendak1ah memberikan wala’nya secara sempurna kepada para qiadah mus1im yang diketuai oleh Rasulullah SAW ( ketika itu ), sehingga tanzim ini memiliki kekuatan yang mempengaruhi, tersusun dan kukuh, yang membolehkan mereka mencabar kepimpinan jahiliah dan akhirnya menghapuskan serta membawa obor hidayah kepada seluruh ummat manusia .

Musuh-musuh Islam senantiasa cuba untuk melemahkan kekuatan tanzim ini semenjak zaman Rasulu11ah SAW lagi tetapi semua percubaan yang dilakukan berakhir dengan kegagalan . Segala kekuatan kejahatan, pelampauan dan permusuhan juga turut mengalami nasib yang sama ketika berhadapan dengan tanzim ini lantaran keteguhan, kekukuhan dan kebergantungannya langsung kepada ALLah serta sebab-sebab kekuatan yang dimilikinya .


1. Qiadah/ Pemimpin/ Kepimpinan ;

2. Jundiyyah/ Pengikut/ Pejuang ;

3. Al Khittah/ Perencanaan -.

a- marhalah ta’rif ;

b- marhalah takwin ;

c- marhalah tanfiz .[5]


1. Menolong jama’ah mencapai matlamat yang singkat ;

2. Membeka1kan kekuatan yang padu ;

3. Penggabungan dan penggemblingan pelbagai kemahiran ;

4. Melindungi individu daripada a1iran-aliran yang memusuhi Islam ;

5. Senantiasa mendorong untuk bekerja ;

6. Kesinambungan perjuangan ;

7. Mudah merentasi segala mehnah dan tribulasi perjuangan ;

8. Menguatkan hubungan sosial individu, melahirkan ruh dan akhlaq berjama’ah ;

9. Perkongsian bijak – pengalaman hidup ;

10. Melatih individu berdisiplin tinggi ;

11. Menjamin Pembangunan seimbang ;

12. Menghidupkan kembali kehidupan Islam .[6]


1. Punyai qiadah yang berjaya/ competent/ layak ;

2. Punyai Jundi yang senantiasa wala’ dan thiqah dengan penuh keredhaan dan ketenangan ;

3. Wujudnya kesetiaan dan tolong menolong di antara anggota tanzim ;

4. Punyai tarbiyyah yang menyeluruh ;

5. Punyai perencanaan yang memiliki matlamat jangka panjang dan matlamat jangka pendek yang jelas, wasilah umum dan khusus serta penerusan pe1aksanaan ;

6. Anggota tanzim mesti1ah faham semua matlamat perencanaan, marhalah dan wasilah yang telah disusun oleh tanzim .[7]


Pengurusan Tanzim Haraki yang mencakupi ketiga-tiga rukun tanzim, pemahaman tugas dan tanggungjawab antara anggotanya menjadi pra-syarat kejayaan sesuatu gerakan . Perjuangan yang batil tetapi dengan organisasi yang tersusun rapi akan mampu mengalahkan perjuangan yang haq tetapi tiada berpengurusan atau tiada berorganisasi yang baik / sistematik .
